Rooms in Vietnamese

Room or rooms in Vietnamese is called “phòng“. In this lesson, we will learn how to say different phòng in Vietnamese.

As mentioned in some of the previous posts, in Vietnamese, you usually identify what it is first then describe it. In this case, you first identify that it is a room, then to say which room it is or what type of room it is, you just need to add certain word.

Let’s take a look.

Table of Contents

Phòng khách

Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash

Phòng” means room. “Khách” means guest or guests. Together, “phòng khách” means a room to see your guests or in other words, living room.

Phòng ăn

Photo by Spacejoy on Unsplash

Phòng” means room. “Ăn” means eat. “Phòng ăn” refers to a room where you eat or in other words, dining room..

Phòng ngủ

Photo by Im3rd Media on Unsplash

Phòng” means room. “Ngủ” means sleep. “Phòng ngủ” refers to a room where you sleep or in other words bedroom.

Also see Vocabulary By The Room: Bedroom.

Phòng tắm

Photo by Chastity Cortijo on Unsplash

Phòng” means room. “Tắm” means shower or bathe. “Phòng tắm” refers to a room where you shower or bathe or, in other words, bathroom.

To learn vocabulary of items in the bathroom, you can visit post Vocabulary by the room: Bathroom.

Phòng học

Photo by Slava Keyzman on Unsplash

Phòng” means room. “Học” means study. “Phòng học” refers to a room where you study, or in other words, study room.


Below is the vocabulary learned in this lesson.

phòng kháchliving room
phòng ăndining room
phòng ngủbedroom
phòng tắmbathroom
phòng họcstudy room


Can you list all of the rooms in your house in Vietnamese?


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