How to Say Clothes in Vietnamese
In this post, we will learn how to say clothes in Vietnamese.

Clothes in Vietnamese is áo quần or quần áo. They both mean the same thing.
Áo refers to clothes you wear on the top half of your body. It can be shirt, T-shirt, jacket, etc. We will go over the words for these specific types of áo later in this post.
Quần refers to clothes you wear on the bottom half of your body, covering each leg separately, e.g. jeans, shorts, etc. We will go over the words for these specific types of quần later in this post.
Now if you just know those two words, áo and quần, even if you don’t know what type of clothes people are talking about, you can at least tell that they are referring to the clothes covering your top half of your body or bottom half.
Table of Contents
Áo thun
The word áo thun means t-shirt in Vietnamese.
Áo sơ mi
The word áo sơ mi means shirt in Vietnamese.
Áo khoác
The word áo khoác means jacket in Vietnamese.
Áo choàng
The word “choàng” refers to the action of putting something over your body. For example, choàng khăn means to put a towel over your shoulders and cover your body.
Áo choàng usually refers to a long top that you put over your body, like a cloak or long coat.
Áo đầm
The word áo đầm means dress in Vietnamese.
Áo ngực
The word áo ngực means bra in Vietnamese.
Áo mưa
The word áo mưa means raincoat in Vietnamese.
Áo dài
The word dài means long in Vietnamese. But the word áo dài doesn’t just mean any long top.
What is áo dài?
Áo dài is a word exclusively used to refer to a specific Vietnamese traditional garment. It has long front and back coverings, and it is usually worn with a specific type of long pants. When people mention áo dài, they usually mean the whole set, áo dài and the pants that go with it.
Áo dài for men and women, even though they have the same concept, look very different.
When do you wear áo dài?
Áo dài is usually worn during traditional events. But in daily life, you can often see female teachers and high school female students wear áo dài. Some high schools may require female students to wear áo dài every day while others only require students to wear áo dài on specific day of the week or month, or no day at all. Teachers’ áo dài can have any colors and patterns, while students’ áo dài are usually white.
Áo dài for men is usually for traditional events only. You won’t see male teachers or male high school students wear áo dài.
Áo thể thao
Thể thao means sport. Áo thể thao refers to áo that is used for sport.
Áo ngủ
Ngủ means to sleep. Áo ngủ refers to top that is worn to sleep in, e.g. nightgown.
Quần tây
The word quần tây means pants.
Quần jean
Quần jean refers to quần made of jean material, usually denim. When people say quần jean, they usually mean jeans.
Since there is no “j” in Vietnamese alphabet, it is often pronounced as “gin” with “gi” sounds like “z” in English (see Vietnamese alphabet). You may also hear people pronounce jean as jean (like j in English).
Quần đùi
We have learned that đùi means thigh. Quần đùi refers to thigh-length bottom, or shorts.
Quần dài
The word dài means long in Vietnamese. Quần dài is not a type of quần. It just means “quần” that is long. It can be long pants, long jeans or any type of “quần” that is long.
Quần ngắn
Like “quần dài,” “quần ngắn” refers to the length of quần. Ngắn means short (in length). Quần ngắn refers to “quần” that is short.
Quần bơi
Bơi means swim in Vietnamese. Quần bơi refers to the type of quần that is used for swimming, or swimming trunks.
Quần thể thao
Thể thao means sport. Quần thể thao refers to quần that is used for sport.
The word “váy” means “skirt.”
Váy ngắn
Ngắn means short. Váy ngắn means short skirt.
Váy dài
Dài means long. Váy dài means long skirt.
Đồ is just a general term for “thing(s).” But when it is combined with certain words, it can mean certain type of clothes.
Đồ bơi
We previously learned above that bơi means swim. Đồ bơi refers to any type of clothes used for swimming or swimsuit.
Bikini is referred to as đồ bikini, áo bikini, or đồ bơi hai mảnh (2-piece swimsuit).
Đồ lót
Lót means to (v) put something underneath something else or (n) a layer underneath something. Đồ lót refers to underwear or undergarment.
Đồ ngủ
Ngủ means to sleep. Đồ ngủ means sleepwear. It can be nightgown or pajama.
Đồ thể thao
Đồ thể thao refers to sportswear. It usually includes both áo thể thao and quần thể thao.
Áo | thun |
sơ mi | |
khoác | |
choàng | |
đầm | |
ngực | |
mưa | |
dài | |
thể thao | |
ngủ | |
Quần | tây |
jean | |
đùi | |
dài | |
ngắn | |
bơi | |
thể thao | |
Váy | ngắn |
dài | |
Đồ | bơi |
lót | |
ngủ | |
thể thao |
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